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作品介绍 Introduction
出生于军人家庭的燕破岳为了向父亲证明自己,在高考来临之际参军到了武警某支队。在新兵集训时,燕破岳训练成绩惊人,却不被中队长李祥看好,被分配到特战中队炊事班。炊事班中卧虎藏龙,燕破岳收敛心性投入工作。由于表现突出,燕破岳参加了武警特战队的选拔。为实现英雄梦,燕破岳一度注重 自我、忽略集体。严酷的环境、艰巨的任务,让他认识到不足。在战友们的帮助下,他终于认识到团队的重要性和集体主义精神的真谛,理解了老中队长李祥的良苦用心,曾经的兵王继续磨砺自己。魂呼万里外,战死当如归!在一次次生与死的考验中,燕破岳不断成长,成为一名优秀的武警特战队员,坚守对党和国家的绝对忠诚和坚定信念,永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士。
Yan Po Yue, a young man comes from a family of soldiers who is outstanding at everything yet remains a loner that doesn't fit well with the team. He is sent to the cooking crew which turns out to be a place full of people with a hidden talent. He joins the selection for a special force in the army with only his own success in mind. However, he realizes that he is still lacking in many ways and through the help of his comrades, he starts to become the soldier that he has always aspired to be.
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